Utilizing Hawkin Dynamics Force Plates and TruStrength provides endless benefits for your physio clinics.
The report features on our website provide invaluable insight into how your patient is performing over time; against themselves, or a similar population. Providing patients with these reports allows them to buy into the treatment, understand what you will be working on, and see their results along the way. Gone are the days of guessing if treatment is working, because we now have solutions that provide tangible evidence!
The Hawkin Cloud also allows for comprehensive reporting to physicians and other members of a sports medicine team. By doing this, you not only are showing your value as a therapist but also the value of their referral to your clinic. When utilizing Hawkin Dynamics in your physio clinic, everyone is happy!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, but I wanted to outline my go-to reports. My favorite reports to look at are the trend report, comparison report, and profile report. I break down my trend reports into a few different templates. I like to have an asymmetry template, a fatigue monitoring template, and a general metric template for the specific jump I’m having my patient complete. Once these templates are established, I can easily click through to see how my patient is performing. In the trend report, you can self-select any of our available metrics.
Figure 1. Asymmetry Trend Report including baseline and postoperative data
The comparison report is a great report to run when you want to compare a person to themselves, or a similar patient population (IE. Patients 6-month post-op ACL). Comparing similar populations allows your clinic to have its own normative data. I find it extremely useful to use the comparison report when looking at a patient’s jumps on two given dates, with the percentage difference provided for each key metric. I also utilize the comparison report when comparing limb symmetry differences, such as distinguishing between left and right leg differences during a single-leg CMJ. The comparison report has tremendous value during post-op and return to activity rehab to highlight areas of improvement as well as provide insight into what interventions should be chosen to address these identified areas.
Figure 2. Comparison report for 4-month and 6-month ACL-R
The last report, which is a wonderful feature of the Hawkin Cloud, is the profile report. This report allows you to integrate both force plate and TruStrength tests. The radar report will also compare patients of similar presentations, again utilizing your clinic’s normative data. Choose your preferred tests and metrics and see how your patient compares to a selected group.
Figure 3. Radar report including TruStrength and force plate metrics compared to a sample population
The online reporting function of Hawkin Dynamics is a game-changer for tracking clinical outcomes and progress. Once you set up your initial templates are set up, it is very easy to click through multiple patients to see how they performed. These reports will allow for easy goal creation to show patients what you are working on and why, leading to retention and more word-of-mouth referrals. Patients want data and as practitioners, we’re here to give it to them!