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Hawkin Dynamics StaffJul 15, 2021 2:42:04 PM3 min read

2021 HD Cloud Reports

The newest Hawkin Dynamics Cloud update enables users to build visually appealing and digestible reports with ease.

Each report is available for one-click download & print with both a black and white background to easily disperse among your staff.

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Reporting Options 
In the Hawkin Cloud Update, there are now 7 reporting options (as of Nov. 16, 2021)

(A) Trend Reports (Trends overtime for an individual, group, or team) 
  • Allows you to set date ranges and select specific metrics to view the trends of  your athletes
  • Scatter plot with a best-fit trend line. Can view with a hard-coded date range or moving average.

(B) Profile Report (Profile with a Radar or Bar Graph) 
  • Allows you to choose any test type & 3 to 7 metrics to profile 
  • Profile an athlete against his/herself, the team or a select group (i.e. position, age, etc)
  • Use z-scores (-4 to +4) or scaled z-scores (0-100)
  • Recently we added a TSA Score, learn more here.

(C) Comparison Report 
  • Compare an athlete against his/herself, the team or a select group 
  • You can select the specific metrics you would like to compare as well as the date range  
  • This can be useful when looking at changes in performance between training blocks, readiness day-to-day, week-to-week or year-to-year

(D) DSI Report (Dynamic Strength Index)
  • The DSI report is a simple ratio of CMJ and a maximal Isometric Test (Typically the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull or Isometric Belt Squat). DSI is useful for assessing an athlete’s needs – strength or speed. 

(E) EUR Report (Eccentric Ratio Utilization)
  • The EUR is simply a ratio of CMJ and Squat Jump. EUR is useful for assessing an athlete's stretch-shortening cycle function overtime.

(F) Weight Report 
Every time an athlete is on the force plates, system weight is accurately calculated and reported in real-time. This new report shows the athlete’s body weight trend over a set date range. 

(G) Quadrant Report 
  • This report allows to see where each athlete is stacked up in comparison to each other. By taking two metrics and setting them on the X and Y axis, athletes are put in the quadrant that represents their metrics. Quadrant I represents the top performers while Quadrant III represents the bottom performers. 

(H) TSA Report (Total Score of Athleticism) 
  • Read a full article on the TSA report here.
  • In summary, this report allows you to score similar athletes against one another in one report (1-100). a total score of 100 would mean that the athlete is the very best in ever test/metric for the given time period. A score of 50 is average. 

Images of Each Report:

*The top image is a view of the trend report on the Hawkin Cloud. The bottom image is a view of the PDF download.

(A) Trend Report

Individual Athlete Trend Report 

Cloud1-dayOut_TWITTER (2)

Individual Athlete Trend Report 
A computer screen capture

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(B) Athlete Profile Report
Radar Option
Graphical user interface

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Radar Option 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Bar Chart Option

A picture containing indoor, black

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(C) Comparison Report

A picture containing text, black, screenshot

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Graphical user interface

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(D) DSI Report

A picture containing text, indoor, black

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Graphical user interface

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(E) EUR Report

A picture containing text, indoor, black, screenshot

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Graphical user interface

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(F) Weight Report 

A picture containing text, indoor, black, screenshot

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A picture containing text, indoor, black, dark

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(G) Quadrant Report

A picture containing text, indoor, screenshot

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A picture containing text, black, dark

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Analytical Advising 

We also offer additional analytical support from our team of researchers & sports scientists. We can be as involved, or hands-off as you'd like. Services include optimizing testing flow, metric selection & interpretation, programming help based on your organization’s analytics, and much more. 

Email Drake, our Director of Sport Science drake@hawkindynamics to learn more about this option.


Have questions about these reports or want to schedule a free virtual demo to see how the cloud works in real time? Contact us atinfo@hawkindynamics.comor message us on Instagram.