Currently there are 9 Test Types in the HD Force Plate System. Each Test may be accompanied by a Tag, which makes a new unique Test Type. With this functionality, there are an unlimited number of Test Types that are possible when using the Hawkin Dynamics Software. Each combination of a Test and a Tag aggregates separately in the cloud app so you only compare and track apples to apples, not apples to oranges.
Each test type within the Hawkin Dynamics system is shown below.

The CMJ is the most commonly performed movement on force plates. It is a great measure of overall athletic capacity.
The Squat jump is performed from a starting squat position and no downward movement should occur during the movement.

The Drop Jump (or Depth Jump) is used to assess an athlete's fast stretch-shortening cycle.

The CMJ Rebound test combines the CMJ and the Drop-Jump tests into one.

The Isometric test protocol can be utilized for any number of isometric measurements. From the classic isometric mid-thigh pull test, to the iso squat or even an upper-body isometric assessment, this is the most flexible protocol in the system

The Free Run protocol is entirely open-ended with no fixed protocol requirements. You can use this test-type to measure anything you want. This is also a useful tool for thinking about new protocols that could become a fixed part of our solutions.

The Multi-Rebound test is an open-ended repeat-hop test. We report RSI on an ongoing basis for each hop and we also report the top 3, top 5 jumps by RSI and by Jump Height.

Drop Landing is a great test to assess readiness. The athlete is forced to quickly engage their muscles in order to stop their momentum falling from a fixed box. Time-to-stabilization is the key metric in this test.

The weigh-in test provides output in lbs, kgs, and newtons on an individual's weight. This test can be used to track bodyweight over time in a clean graphical display.