Communicating Results
The Hawkin Cloud enables users to build visually appealing and digestible reports.
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Reports on (1) individuals, (2) groups, or (3) entire teams are available in seconds (6 clicks to be exact)
Our entire system at Hawkin is built around the user. Since the nature of sport is very fluid, we created these reports so that coaches and other users can easily print and share them with other key members of the performance staff.
Easily share these reports with your:
Sport Coach
Athletic Trainer
Athletic Director
The choice is yours, we just provide the report.
Have a report that you currently use within your organization? If we like it we may build it into our software for you - email us at
Visual Reporting Options
In the Hawkin Cloud (our software) there are 3 reporting types:
A. Trend Reports (trends overtime from an individual, group, or team)
B. Athlete Profiles (profile with a radar chart or bar graph - choose any assessment & 3-6 metrics)
- profile an athlete against his/herself, the team, or a select group
C. Comparison Reports
- compare an athlete against his/herself, the team, or a select group between two time periods
- this can be useful when looking at the changes in performance between training blocks, readiness day-to-day or week-to-week, or year-to-year improvements.
D. Performance Reports (New!)
(A) Trend Reports
Individual Athlete Trend Report
Custom notes can be added to easily communicate between other members of the staff.
Group Trend Report
(Example: guards, forwards, middle hitters, return to play)
Team Trend Report
(B) Athlete Profiles
Athlete Profile (Radar Chart Option) compared to self
This image shows 3 metrics for the CMJ, you can choose up to 6 metrics & multiple tests (i.e. SJ, isometric)
Athlete Profile (Bar Chart Option) compared to team
6-metric option selected (select from 1-6)
(C) Comparison Reports
Comparison Report (comparing self to self) between the months of April and May
You can also compare an athlete to a group or team. Comparison dates are fully customizable.
Custom notes are also available here.
The World Updates, So Do We.
(D) Performance Reports
Eccentric Utilization Ratio (EUR)
A simple ratio of CMJ and SJ. This is useful for assessing an athlete's stretch-shortening cycle efficiency over time.
Dynamic Strength Index (DSI)
A simple ratio of CMJ and a Maximal Isometric Test - typically the Isometric Mid Thigh Pull, or Isometric Belt Squat. This is useful for assessing an athlete's needs - strength or speed.
Bodyweight Report
No need to add another test to calculate an athlete's body weight. Every time an athlete is on the force plates, system weight is accurately calculated and reported in real-time via Bodyweight Reports in the HD Mobile App.

Analytical Advising
We also offer additional analytical support from our team of researchers & sports scientists. We can be as involved, or hands-off as you'd like. Services include optimizing testing flow, metric selection & interpretation, programming help based on your organization's analytics, and much more.
Email Drake, our Director of Sport Science at drake@hawkindynamics to learn more about this option.
Navigating the Cloud
Below is a video that will show you how to generate reports from the Hawkin Cloud.
Have questions about these reports or want to schedule a free virtual demo to see how the cloud works in real time? Contact us at or message us on Instagram.