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Hawkin 2023
Mr. HawkinJan 17, 2024 8:22:31 AM4 min read

2023 Wrapped︱End of Year Stats︱2.8m Tests


The Numbers 2023


This isn't Spotify; this is Hawkin Dynamics.

1,358 tests were collected each hour around the world using HD Force Plates. That's 22.63 tests per minute.

Successful vs. Failed Tests


Why do tests fail?

A "failed" test is a test that does not make it to the Hawkin Cloud.

The Hawkin Cloud is a place to manage your force plate data more in-depth. If a test is "failed" and does not get pushed to the cloud, it means that something was triggered that our research team deems a poorly collected test based on industry gold standard calculation methods. This could be any number of things, but the two most common are a poor quiet phase (i.e., weighing period) and a countermovement (i.e., stretch) being present in a squat jump - a movement that should be propulsive only.

Data integrity is important to us, and failing tests is just one measure we take to make sure Hawkin users collect more accurate data.

All Time Tests



In 2021, 948,000 tests were captured using the Hawkin Dynamics software. This number is up 4,265,804 tests (or 77.78%). That's more than inflation.

Top User By Total Tests


Who is it?

The Taylor Swift of jump testing.



Who is it?

The Beach Boys of jump testing.

  1. An Ivy.
  2. A NESCAC.
  3. A "Startup" Baseball Facility.
  4. NDA - Never discussing a(this user).
  5. Cold and identical.  

A Global Sports Technology Leader



In 2021, 31 countries registered a force plate test.

In 2023, that number is up 20, to 51 countries.

With headquarters in Maine, USA and offices in Thebarton, Australia (Asia-Pacific headquarters) 〡Portlaoise, Co. Laois, Ireland (UK headquarters) 〡 Krakow, Poland we've got you covered for support, education, and affordable products.

Breakdown By Test Type


What are the test types?

Learn more about our test types here: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/test-types

Learn more about each metric here: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/hawkin-metric-database

Open source education and information. That's what we are all about.


It's A Partnership

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Use It Or Not...?

Our number one priority is that you are effectively using the product that we sold you.

If you aren't using the system or aren't happy with it, we will figure something out. We are sensible people and won't lock you into crazy contract terms. Your success is our success. 

That's our #PartofTheProcess commitment to each of our Hawkin Family members.

Your Data = Your Data



Our Stance

We think it's important to reiterate our stance here on data ownership in human performance technology. The question is often asked when working with athletes, patients, and tactical personnel.

Our answer is straightforward. Your data is your data, and you own it.

A note from Hawkin Dynamics CEO Ben Watson:

"In any data model there is a certain amount of responsibility on any party who is interacting with that data. A cloud system (or a local computer) is, of course, only as secure as the person operating it. That being said, at the most basic level, the ownership of the data in question should never be confusing or obfuscated. As a technology company that works with many world-class organizations, we believe that user data is and always should be owned by the user. Even if a client leaves our ecosystem, their data is never compromised, used, or rolled into a larger data set. This raises the question of how we can tap into the massive volume of data our system handles every day. The answer is clear from our perspective. If we want to use data (including customer data) for ANY purpose beyond simple support questions where we may need to deal with their data to resolve issues or answer questions, we need explicit written permission and extremely detailed parameters under which we can utilize said data. This ensures that we are never in a position and that our users are never in a position where the ownership or integrity of their data can be questioned. It is also standard practice for us to anonymize any user data in the above-mentioned theoretical scenario to ensure that personally identifiable information is not in our possession."

Put simply, this means that if we want to use your data for any reason, we have to ask before we touch it. Certain scenarios where we may do this are for compiling large datasets of sport-specific and age-specific norms to share with our users and provide additional insight.

If you read our end-of-the-year review from 2021, you will also notice that this statement was copied and pasted into this blog. That's because we stand by what we say and take data ownership seriously for you and your athletes.

If you choose Hawkin Dynamics, you choose a company that respects your privacy. We maintain a professional relationship with all clients. It's part of the Hawkin Difference.

If you're interested in learning more about Hawkin Dynamics or our stance on data privacy, reach out here: https://www.hawkindynamics.com/contact

Mr. Hawkin
From Mr. Hawkin himself. On this planet, or yours...